On the Needles


I’ve been knitting away on my sour patch dress, I was hoping to finish it on the drive home from the beach, but fell asleep instead. Oh well. It will be done soon, and Little Miss will have plenty of time to wear it before the weather changes and I try and fight her into long sleeves. She is a warm blooded creature, but I am always cold, and convinced she must be too.


I make a mistake with my increases on my Blom shawl, and so it is in time out until I can take the time to find out where and if I can fudge it or need to rip it back.


I cast on a hat right before we left for the beach. I apparently deal with stress by starting new crafts. It’s theĀ Hermaness Worsted for Fringe’s hat along. I had a surprising amount of yarn left over from my In Stillness sweater, which I still need to blog about, and as I hadn’t ever done a knit along, and was loving all the pictures on instagram, this seemed like the logical choice.